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Alimony in Florida Divorces: Understanding Your Rights and Options

Alimony, also known as spousal support, may be awarded in a Florida divorce to provide financial assistance to one spouse after the marriage ends. At Knox and Belcher, our compassionate attorneys understand the financial challenges divorce can bring. We’ll guide you through the complexities of alimony law and advocate for a fair outcome.

Types of Alimony in Florida

    Temporary Alimony: Support paid to a spouse during the divorce proceedings. Bridge-the-Gap Alimony: Short-term support to assist a spouse to transition to single life. Rehabilitative Alimony: Support to help a spouse gain education or skills to become self-supporting. Durational Alimony: Support for a specific duration of time. Lump Sum Alimony: One-time payment one spouse pays to the other.   

Factors Considered in Alimony Decisions

Florida courts consider several factors when determining alimony, including: The length of the marriage Each spouse’s age, physical, mental, and emotional condition of each party Each spouse’s earning capacity and financial resources The standard of living established during the marriage The contribution of each spouse to the marriage The net incomes of each party The requesting parties’ reasonable need and the paying parties’ ability to pay Anticipated needs after Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage

Looking to Modify Your Alimony or Contest a Modification?

    Alimony can be modified if there is a substantial change in circumstances such as: Substantial change in either parties’ incomes Existence of a supportive relationship Marriage of the former spouse receiving alimony Retirement of the paying former spouse   
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