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Paternity Lawyers in Lutz/ Land O’ Lakes: Protecting Fathers’ Rights

Establishing paternity is a crucial step for fathers to secure their legal rights and responsibilities concerning their children. At the Law Office of Knox and Belcher, our experienced paternity lawyers in Lutz understand the importance of the father-child bond and are dedicated to guiding you through the paternity process and advocating for your rights.

Why is Establishing Paternity as a Father Important in Florida?

    Custody and Time-Sharing: Establishing paternity allows you to seek custody or time-sharing with your child, ensuring you can be an active and involved parent. Child Support: It establishes both your right to receive child support and your obligation to provide it, ensuring your child’s financial needs are met. Decision-Making: Paternity grants you the right to be involved in important decisions about your child’s life, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Inheritance Rights: It secures your child’s right to inherit from you.   

How Can Paternity be Established in Florida?

Voluntary Acknowledgment: Both parents can sign a legal document acknowledging paternity. Court-Ordered Paternity Testing: If paternity is disputed, a court can order genetic testing (usually a DNA test) to determine paternity.

Protecting Your Rights as a Father in Lutz:

    We are committed to protecting fathers’ rights in all family law matters, including: Custody Disputes: We’ll advocate for a parenting plan that allows you to have meaningful time and involvement in your child’s life. Child Support: We’ll ensure child support obligations are calculated fairly, considering your income and the child’s needs. Relocation: We’ll protect your rights if the mother plans to relocate with the child.   

Why Choose Knox and Belcher?

    Experienced Paternity Lawyers: We have extensive experience representing fathers in paternity cases in Land O’ Lakes, Lutz and the Tampa Bay area. Honest and Transparent Approach: We believe in open communication and will keep you informed every step of the way, explaining your options clearly and answering your questions honestly. Compassionate Advocacy: We understand the challenges fathers face. We’ll provide compassionate support and dedicated advocacy to protect your rights and your relationship with your child.   
Image of a father and child at the beach.

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